Friday, December 28, 2012

Efficacy of soy milk

Efficacy of Soy milk

Soy milk

Soy milk is made from soy ingredients are mixed with water and extracted to produce white water like milk. Soy milk has so many health benefits. Soy milk is a milk plant that has high nutritional value, even less in comparison with animal milk. Soy milk contains essential fatty acids, is a source of vitamins, fiber and protein also contains a functioning body to work optimally.

Milk is usually attached to a fairly high fat content which can lead to obesity, but instead of soy milk contains unsaturated fatty acids that can inhibit cholesterol in the body. Therefore it is good to drink soy milk during the diet companion.

Unsaturated fatty acids contained in soy milk can reduce the risk of heart attack, and diabetes. Sugar contained in soy milk is natural and not too high.
Fatty acids in soy milk can inhibit the absorption of fat in the intestine, and therefore suggested to drink soy milk to help you lose weight.

Soy milk contains phytoestrogens hormone, this hormone acts to accelerate the absorption of calcium for strong bones.

Benefits of soy milk

1. Inhibiting menopause

The content of isoflavones and vitamin E, which is owned soy milk to overcome menopausal syndrome and also prevent osteoporosis.

2. Preventing diabetes

Amino acids glycine and arginine amino acids was able to keep the balance of insulin.

3. Preventing migraine

Soy milk contains vitamin B-Compleks, potassium and amino acids. The elements that are nutrients to prevent and relieve migraines.

4. Preventing Hypertension, Coronary Heart Disease, and Stroke

Other ingredients in soy milk is Vitamin E which can prevent the occurrence of coronary heart disease and stroke.Research at Harvard University, showing those who obtain Vitamin E 200 IU / day; reduce the risk of severe cardiovascular disease decreased by 34%. Besides soy milk also contains folic acid and vitamin B6 are also useful to prevent heart disease, levels of magnesium are also able to regulate a person's blood pressure.

Soy milk for beauty

Soy milk is beneficial moisturizing the skin

Fine lines on the skin (wrinkles) can be reduced by consuming soy milk, soy contains Phytoestrogens in handy to help the body produce more estrogen. Soybeans also contain vitamin E, which helps get rid of dead skin cells and form new skin cells.

How to moisturize the skin: Take soy then crushed soybeans that have added a little water, then rubbed on the face and leave on for 15 to 20 minutes. Perform routine three times a week.

Soybeans useful to strengthen nails

The way to eat soy on a regular basis for about 6 months will make your nails strong and shiny, and is also able to moisturize nails.
Soy is also known to treat nail fungus infection. How: simply dip the nail in the soy sauce and your nails will be free of fungus.

Soybeans make hair shinier

How: by applying a soy bean juice on the hair. Do it regularly for 3 months for maximum results.

Prevents premature aging

Besides soy milk also contains high protein rich in Antiaging compound substances, these substances are known to prevent premature aging (youthful).

The process of making soy milk

For daily consumption, soybeans can be processed alone and can also be consumed for all ages,
1. Wash soybeans thoroughly, then soaked with water boiling for 8 hours
2. Once the process is complete immersion, water immersion in waste and soy in the wash again, then drained.
3. Soybeans are crushed into powder into a slurry with water to taste, soy slurry is filtered to produce raw soy milk.
4. Add water about 10x raw soybeans, stir until evenly distributed.
5. Add sugar, pandan leaves, salt soy milk into the juice, can also add a little vanilla or mocha taste.
6. Cook juice raw soy milk to a boil while stirring and ready to drink at.
That's what little I know about the health benefits of soy milk and soy milk making process, may be useful for all readers ....

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