Monday, December 17, 2012

Fruits and vegetables to prevent cancer


Cancer is a disease characterized by abnormalities typical cell cycle, which makes uncontrolled growth and invade the nearby biological tissue and can also switch to other body tissues through blood circulation or lymphatic system.

Cancer became increasingly feared ghosts, because the number of victims continues to grow. This is caused by environmental pollution and stress, it also affects the food consumption to cancer. Including foods containing food additives (food additives) are increasingly popular synthetic chemicals in many countries.
Cancer is not a disease that grows abruptly. Future growth of the starter until the cancer takes many years. The attack resulted in free radical compounds gradually change the genetic DNA.

Cancer can also be a result of wrong diet

It has never done a survey of 12,000 respondents were randomly selected representing the profile of the U.S. population. What did they eat for 24 hours? From the answers they give you an idea about the eating habits of the U.S. population. As a result 40% of respondents said they did not eat fruit at all, while 20% do not eat any vegetables a day, and 40% eat processed beef, especially beef bacon.
Experts from the American cancer institute concluded that the development of cancer by a factor of food source is caused by two contradictory things.
  • First low consumption of foods rich in crude fiber, especially fresh fruits, leafy vegetables (carrots, broccoli, spinach and other green leafy vegetables miscellaneous).
  • Both do not want to limit the consumption of meat, especially processed meats and salami.
Even so, experts believe that not only can cancer be prevented, but can also annihilated. Certainly better to prevent than to cure. The way such as by limiting the consumption of sources of free radicals in order to suppress the growth of cancer cells. Instead increase your intake of cancer-fighting antioxidants that also contains nutrients immune boosters.

Limiting consumption of meat to prevent cancer

The main source of cancer until now believed contained on heterocyclic amine compounds. This compound is found in many foods rich in protein and fat, especially red meat.
Piles of heterocyclic amine compounds formed by cooking meat at high temperatures, or by direct fire. As bolsters mutton dish, satay, as well as meat broth made by cooking a long time at high temperature. This is the trigger breast cancer, colon cancer and pancreatic cancer. In addition, saturated fat stored in lard and fatty meats also produces heterocyclic amine compounds.
Fried food is a vehicle for the most fertile source of cancer. Especially if it is a combination of animal materials that are fried at high temperatures, with cooking oil are saturated fats and trans fats (butter, margarine, cooking oil).

Minimize the use of food additives (food additives) to prevent cancer

Many outstanding synthetic sweeteners for the food, one of which is cyclamate, mainly in the form of salt and sodium cyclamate calcium cyclamate, has a rate of 30x sugar sweetness, but now banned in the United States, because it is proven to stimulate the onset of cancer.
Similarly with other sweeteners such as saccharin, which are widely used in food products-diet drinks. This material may stimulate the growth of bladder cancer

Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables to ward off cancer

There are three important steps to be done to ward off cancer,
• Limit / avoid foods that contain cancer-promoting compounds
• Increase consumption of foods that can prevent and kill the cancer-triggering compounds
• Increase the body's immune system and overall health
One of the actions to improve the health and the immune system is to eat vegetables and fruits every day. Vegetables and fruits rich variety of compound radicals trigger cancer reducer.

Tempe able to fight cancer


Tempe, soy, contain anti-cancer compounds such as genistein fitokimiawi, daidzen, protease inhibitors, phytic acid, saponins, phytosterols, phenolic acids to acid lecithin.

Compounds in soybean genistein can stop new blood vessels unfair and production of enzymes that keep the seeds of cancer. This means that the growth of cancer can be defeated candidates. Especially breast cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer, prostate cancer, blood cancer (leukemia).

Men at risk for prostate cancer, found 5 alpha reductase. This enzyme will blindly convert the hormone testosterone into dihydrotestosterone compounds. This is the hormone that provokes the growth of tissue in the prostate and genital skin to swell in a revolutionary, and eventually become cancerous.

Tempe brings a bright hope, in addition to inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells in women, genisteinnya compound may stop the progression of prostate cancer cells.

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