Friday, December 28, 2012

Efficacy of soy milk

Efficacy of Soy milk

Soy milk

Soy milk is made from soy ingredients are mixed with water and extracted to produce white water like milk. Soy milk has so many health benefits. Soy milk is a milk plant that has high nutritional value, even less in comparison with animal milk. Soy milk contains essential fatty acids, is a source of vitamins, fiber and protein also contains a functioning body to work optimally.

Milk is usually attached to a fairly high fat content which can lead to obesity, but instead of soy milk contains unsaturated fatty acids that can inhibit cholesterol in the body. Therefore it is good to drink soy milk during the diet companion.

Unsaturated fatty acids contained in soy milk can reduce the risk of heart attack, and diabetes. Sugar contained in soy milk is natural and not too high.
Fatty acids in soy milk can inhibit the absorption of fat in the intestine, and therefore suggested to drink soy milk to help you lose weight.

Soy milk contains phytoestrogens hormone, this hormone acts to accelerate the absorption of calcium for strong bones.

Benefits of soy milk

1. Inhibiting menopause

The content of isoflavones and vitamin E, which is owned soy milk to overcome menopausal syndrome and also prevent osteoporosis.

2. Preventing diabetes

Amino acids glycine and arginine amino acids was able to keep the balance of insulin.

3. Preventing migraine

Soy milk contains vitamin B-Compleks, potassium and amino acids. The elements that are nutrients to prevent and relieve migraines.

4. Preventing Hypertension, Coronary Heart Disease, and Stroke

Other ingredients in soy milk is Vitamin E which can prevent the occurrence of coronary heart disease and stroke.Research at Harvard University, showing those who obtain Vitamin E 200 IU / day; reduce the risk of severe cardiovascular disease decreased by 34%. Besides soy milk also contains folic acid and vitamin B6 are also useful to prevent heart disease, levels of magnesium are also able to regulate a person's blood pressure.

Soy milk for beauty

Soy milk is beneficial moisturizing the skin

Fine lines on the skin (wrinkles) can be reduced by consuming soy milk, soy contains Phytoestrogens in handy to help the body produce more estrogen. Soybeans also contain vitamin E, which helps get rid of dead skin cells and form new skin cells.

How to moisturize the skin: Take soy then crushed soybeans that have added a little water, then rubbed on the face and leave on for 15 to 20 minutes. Perform routine three times a week.

Soybeans useful to strengthen nails

The way to eat soy on a regular basis for about 6 months will make your nails strong and shiny, and is also able to moisturize nails.
Soy is also known to treat nail fungus infection. How: simply dip the nail in the soy sauce and your nails will be free of fungus.

Soybeans make hair shinier

How: by applying a soy bean juice on the hair. Do it regularly for 3 months for maximum results.

Prevents premature aging

Besides soy milk also contains high protein rich in Antiaging compound substances, these substances are known to prevent premature aging (youthful).

The process of making soy milk

For daily consumption, soybeans can be processed alone and can also be consumed for all ages,
1. Wash soybeans thoroughly, then soaked with water boiling for 8 hours
2. Once the process is complete immersion, water immersion in waste and soy in the wash again, then drained.
3. Soybeans are crushed into powder into a slurry with water to taste, soy slurry is filtered to produce raw soy milk.
4. Add water about 10x raw soybeans, stir until evenly distributed.
5. Add sugar, pandan leaves, salt soy milk into the juice, can also add a little vanilla or mocha taste.
6. Cook juice raw soy milk to a boil while stirring and ready to drink at.
That's what little I know about the health benefits of soy milk and soy milk making process, may be useful for all readers ....

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Side effects of complementary and alternative medicine

Although herbal remains cautious in its use

Have you ever been experienced? Although the use of herbal medicine, but still be careful, I've experienced it, to treat swelling in the eye with a compress bag of tea bags. Swollen that I suffered not heal, even the eyes become red as a few days of sleep deprivation. It turns out that I used to compress the swollen eye was a tea bag containing cinnamon. As for treating swelling should be enough to use only black tea.

Other events are more severe ever happened to my friend, who consume plants or plant enhancer aphrodisiac sexual arousal. The sound of my friends suddenly become big and heavy. Worse him suffer priapism. All of this could have happened to you if carelessly in use, this can be prevented by observing the rules of usage.

Observing the rules of use of herbal medicines

Drug misuse can happen even if you think you have used medicinal plants correctly, for example: Centella sold in shop healthy as gotu kola, gotu kola energy enhancer serves as a supplement to the brain and improve concentration and memory. However, the use of large doses of gotu kola has the effect of causing a headache, decreased consciousness.

Aloe vera
Aloe vera, usually used to overcome hair loss, burns and constipation. In general dose of aloe vera usually does not cause unwanted side effects, except on the They will arise allergic itching. If used in excess for 1-2 weeks for constipation, aloe vera can cause stomach cramps.

Just went along with herbal drugs

Another major mistake is to use herbs without knowing for certain benefits. For example, the use of ginkgo biloba, a well-known ability to restore memory. Actually ginkgo is useful only if the cause of the decline of memory due to reduced blood flow to the brain. If the memory loss caused by hormone imbalances, the ginkgo is not going to help.

Tempe kedelai
Because often hear people talk about it then you went along to believe, more likely to result in the use of the wrong drug. There are also such words those plants that contain phytoestrogens (natural estrogens in plants), such as soy should be avoided by women with breast cancer and endometriosis, as they have excess estrogen. In fact, plant phytoestrogens are weaker than human estrogen and can even improve the imbalance of estrogen.

Phytoestrogens in soy actually bind to estrogen receptors in the breast and uterus, which are potentially harmful estrogen could be arrested.

False expectations about herbal remedies

Most pharmacies drug works quickly, and people have the same expectations about the use of herbal medicines. Some herbal remedies can indeed provide a fast reaction like the use of valerian for insomnia. But there are also herbal remedies that take 4-6 weeks before we feel the effect. Why so? Many pharmacy drugs work by suppressing symptoms, such as reducing the production of mucus while coughing. While herbal medicine works by helping the body's mechanisms for self healing, and it usually takes more time.

It could also be caused by the wrong name on herbs

Medicinal plants usually have two names, the popular name of a known person, with the Latin name. This popular name is the name commonly used in each area, and definitely different from the other regions. While the Latin name is a name recognized in the scientific world.

For example, Ginseng. There are many different kinds of plants that the name ginseng, Panax ginseng original name, but it in America under the name Panax ginseng Quin-quefolium, in Siberia (Eleutherococcus senticosus). Although all types of ginseng is used as a tonic to improve balance and increase endurance, but the workings of each of these different ginseng and must be consumed in doses and different time periods.

One of the herbal drug doses

What often occurs with the use of herbal medicine is one dose. People often think, if you use a little good, then by using more would be great. The use of herbal medicine overdose, can give side effects otherwise. Noni juice instance, when used in the right amount, one of the benefits of noni juice is improving indigestion. But if excessive in use, it was a cause of stomach ulcers.

Error in combining herbal medicine

Often people assume that medicine physician if in combination with herbal medicine will heal faster. For example, Ginkgo to improve blood flow to the brain. But taking ginkgo concurrently with blood-thinning drugs given to patients coronary heart doctor, can make the patient to bleed.
This does not mean you should not take herbal supplements, but you need to find out more carefully than the experts.

What is natural must be good?

In general, herbal medicines are much less side effects than its pharmaceutical drugs, or non-natural. Therefore, it should be carefully used if it is not convinced of the usefulness of these herbal medicines. If you need to consult a doctor, and better yet a doctor who knew about the use of herbal medicines.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Fruits and vegetables to prevent cancer


Cancer is a disease characterized by abnormalities typical cell cycle, which makes uncontrolled growth and invade the nearby biological tissue and can also switch to other body tissues through blood circulation or lymphatic system.

Cancer became increasingly feared ghosts, because the number of victims continues to grow. This is caused by environmental pollution and stress, it also affects the food consumption to cancer. Including foods containing food additives (food additives) are increasingly popular synthetic chemicals in many countries.
Cancer is not a disease that grows abruptly. Future growth of the starter until the cancer takes many years. The attack resulted in free radical compounds gradually change the genetic DNA.

Cancer can also be a result of wrong diet

It has never done a survey of 12,000 respondents were randomly selected representing the profile of the U.S. population. What did they eat for 24 hours? From the answers they give you an idea about the eating habits of the U.S. population. As a result 40% of respondents said they did not eat fruit at all, while 20% do not eat any vegetables a day, and 40% eat processed beef, especially beef bacon.
Experts from the American cancer institute concluded that the development of cancer by a factor of food source is caused by two contradictory things.
  • First low consumption of foods rich in crude fiber, especially fresh fruits, leafy vegetables (carrots, broccoli, spinach and other green leafy vegetables miscellaneous).
  • Both do not want to limit the consumption of meat, especially processed meats and salami.
Even so, experts believe that not only can cancer be prevented, but can also annihilated. Certainly better to prevent than to cure. The way such as by limiting the consumption of sources of free radicals in order to suppress the growth of cancer cells. Instead increase your intake of cancer-fighting antioxidants that also contains nutrients immune boosters.

Limiting consumption of meat to prevent cancer

The main source of cancer until now believed contained on heterocyclic amine compounds. This compound is found in many foods rich in protein and fat, especially red meat.
Piles of heterocyclic amine compounds formed by cooking meat at high temperatures, or by direct fire. As bolsters mutton dish, satay, as well as meat broth made by cooking a long time at high temperature. This is the trigger breast cancer, colon cancer and pancreatic cancer. In addition, saturated fat stored in lard and fatty meats also produces heterocyclic amine compounds.
Fried food is a vehicle for the most fertile source of cancer. Especially if it is a combination of animal materials that are fried at high temperatures, with cooking oil are saturated fats and trans fats (butter, margarine, cooking oil).

Minimize the use of food additives (food additives) to prevent cancer

Many outstanding synthetic sweeteners for the food, one of which is cyclamate, mainly in the form of salt and sodium cyclamate calcium cyclamate, has a rate of 30x sugar sweetness, but now banned in the United States, because it is proven to stimulate the onset of cancer.
Similarly with other sweeteners such as saccharin, which are widely used in food products-diet drinks. This material may stimulate the growth of bladder cancer

Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables to ward off cancer

There are three important steps to be done to ward off cancer,
• Limit / avoid foods that contain cancer-promoting compounds
• Increase consumption of foods that can prevent and kill the cancer-triggering compounds
• Increase the body's immune system and overall health
One of the actions to improve the health and the immune system is to eat vegetables and fruits every day. Vegetables and fruits rich variety of compound radicals trigger cancer reducer.

Tempe able to fight cancer


Tempe, soy, contain anti-cancer compounds such as genistein fitokimiawi, daidzen, protease inhibitors, phytic acid, saponins, phytosterols, phenolic acids to acid lecithin.

Compounds in soybean genistein can stop new blood vessels unfair and production of enzymes that keep the seeds of cancer. This means that the growth of cancer can be defeated candidates. Especially breast cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer, prostate cancer, blood cancer (leukemia).

Men at risk for prostate cancer, found 5 alpha reductase. This enzyme will blindly convert the hormone testosterone into dihydrotestosterone compounds. This is the hormone that provokes the growth of tissue in the prostate and genital skin to swell in a revolutionary, and eventually become cancerous.

Tempe brings a bright hope, in addition to inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells in women, genisteinnya compound may stop the progression of prostate cancer cells.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

How to cure constipation with herbs



Constipation is a disorder of the digestive system in the body that cause excessive hardening of the stool so it is difficult to be disposed of or removed and can also cause great pain to the sufferer. Do not underestimate constipation as this can cause a variety of diseases. Constipation can lead to painful obstipasi. In the event of a severe obstipasi can lead to colon cancer which is fatal for the sufferer.

How is constipation

A person can be said to be constipated when the frequency of bowel movements and stool size is reduced. What is the frequency of bowel movements are normal? Lots of questions about it. Some medical literature writing that defecate 2x 2x a day or a week is still quite normal. But the author of Healthy Digestion The Natural Way, D. Lynsey Berkson  observation has done, according to people who do not defecate on a regular basis every day in many of the health problems that a bowel movement every day. According to the conclusions D. Lynsey Berkson healthy person have a bowel movement every day.

Constipation is not a disease

Although disturbing, constipation is not a disease. Constipation is a sign of our living habits. When we are constipated, then we should evaluate our habits need to be improved. The habit of ignoring gestures to defecate, habits that trigger the onset of symptoms of constipation. Besides constipation can also be symptoms of allergy to a food or being in a state of stress.

There are two types of constipation

1. Constipation due to intestinal muscle weakness due to lack of food and exercise beserat.
2. Constipation due to intestinal spasms due to stress

The wrong way to deal with constipation

To overcome constipation, many people depend on prescription laxatives. The drug can stimulate the intestines in such a way that not long after taking it arose a strong desire to defecate. Even the use of a single dose alone can make us pee until 7x - 8x. So as long as the drug works, the intestines will continue to contract to remove the dirt. Because it is not recommended to use laxatives constantly because it can lead to dehydration (lack of fluids) and diarrhea. Besides colon will become dependent on the drug so it can not work or function normally in nature.

How to safely cope with constipation

The safest way of treating constipation is to increase the consumption of foods containing fiber, such as those found in fruits, vegetables, brown rice, and whole grains. This is important because fiber can absorb water and help to generate a softer dirt and volume that stimulates contractions of the colon and makes expenditures dirt. Fiber is also a fertile ground for good bacteria that help increase the volume of sewage and disposal functions better.

In addition to fiber, constipation solved quicker with magnesium and vitamin C supplements of high-dose and sufficient exercise. Exercise not only keeps the body becomes more fit but also stimulates the digestive tract to work actively. If need be supported with herbal ingredients.

The traditional way to overcome constipation

Treatment of constipation traditionally classified as heartburn symptoms. This term actually indicates the state of the temperature increase in the digestive tract due to improper metabolism process / not smooth. Therefore the addition of fiber and drink plenty of fluids, herbal treatment is performed in a way that are cool and stimulate active throughout the digestive organs.


Noni is proven to enhance the immune system so as to give strength to the body to fight toxins. Other than that noni contains enzymes needed for food digestion and stimulate bowel movements. How Take 2 ripe noni fruit, wash and grate (puree), add a little salt then stir. Squeeze the water with a clean cloth and drink.

Pineapple and papaya

Pineapple juice and papaya efficacious as a natural laxative because it contains vitamin C which is quite high and contains proteolytic enzymes (enzymes that break down proteins). How to make use of pineapple and papaya are consuming water with pineapple or papaya juice 2x a day when an empty stomach or 1 hour before a meal.


In treating constipation, ginger needed to kill harmful microbes and issued wind by stimulating the liver to increase the production of bile that aid digestion. This herb is very important for people with chronic constipation. How: sliced ​​ginger to taste, boil with 4 cups water to boil down to half, add tamarind and salt, add a little brown sugar. Drink 1 glass 2x daily or regularly.

Aloe vera for constipation

Aloe vera

Aloe vera contains aloin that can stimulate the intestinal mucus, making it effective to cope with chronic constipation. Its cool the heat helps the digestive system due to chronic constipation. Take 1 aloe leaf midrib small size, peeled and washed clean of lenders liquid. Cut into small pieces, then sobbed with 1 cup of boiling water, add 1 tablespoon honey and eat while warm.

This herb is not recommended for children who are experiencing respiratory problems and pregnant women.

An alternative way west 


Psyllium (Plantago ovate)

Psyllium is a type of hemp plant. The seeds contain fiber that can absorb liquid so its size. The seeds of this will make the stool rounded and suppress colon, and stimulate muscle contractions that felt "like defecating"
Psyllium is used for defecation disorders due to nutritional problems and stress. For disorders such as cancer or colon stricture, this herb is not recommended. People with allergies and the same is also not recommended to consume, it can cause allergic reactions such as swollen eyes.

Chamomile (Matricana recutita)

Serves to relax the intestines and stimulates the liver thus relieving pain. Chamomile can be consumed as a tea that is sold in health food stores. But to effect stronger, better consume in liquid form Carminative oil content is higher.

Trengguli (Cassia senna)

For chronic constipation can be treated with trengguli or senna. This yellow flowering plants, usually grown as an ornamental plant. Trengguli fruit contains a substance called sennoside laxatives. This substance serves to stimulate the intestinal muscles to contract strongly. How to use: Take 3-6 pieces trengguli, wash thoroughly and cut-cut necessary, add ginger 1 gram then boiled with 1 cup of water to boiling, can be drunk after a cold.


Agar-agar (Pterocladia spp)

Agar-agar is now also used as therapy isembelit ant. Agar-agar is used by us to pudding or dried mucus mucilage extracted from seaweed. Agar-agar containing polysaccharides that will expand and slippery when given water. Usefulness of these polysaccharides to smooth out the dirt so easily. Agar-agar is also efficacious for antibiotic, antiviral and antimicrobial, thus reducing the adverse effects of constipation.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The cure for insomnia with herbs


Many people complain of having trouble sleeping (Insomnia). When dusk began to arrive, it could be the beginning of fear came, the people around them will sleep with dreams, while we become lonely creature, lying on the bed without being able to close his eyes.
Sleep is not just the cycle of life, but it is important to recover, even mentally. A person experiencing insomnia, will feel depressed, can not concentrate, feeling tired. According to the study, someone less sleep each night, the body resistance will be weakened, and could continue suffering from diabetes and high blood pressure.
According to research by The Harvard Nurses' Health Study explains women have twice as many suffer from insomnia, although that does not mean men do not experience insomnia. In women who are not getting enough sleep, likely to suffer from coronary artery. Compared with the Adam, difficulty sleeping disorders on womanhood is much more complicated, it is also influenced by the activity and the level of stress in work and family. However, difficulty sleeping disorders in women are easier to overcome.
In the course of the life of a woman going through a period of "hard bed" caused by changes in physical, emotional and hormonal. Can you believe? wait time ...

Insomnia at the age of 30

When the age of the age of 20 - 30s, many women experience sleep disturbances, but not all women experience this, depending on the condition of her endurance. The cause of the problem of sleep disturbance between
occupational stress, hormone production decreased due to the menstrual cycle and pregnancy. Recommended multiply drinking water and lots of moving / walking, it will make sleep soundly and wake up in the morning when the body will feel fitter. Do not underestimate the drinking water, regular exercise, drinking less coffee.

Insomnia during pregnancy

Nearly 80% of pregnant women experience sleep disturbances, in addition to the decreased hormone production, as well as disturbance factors emotionally unstable, and even physical disorders such as: nausea, palpitations, fatigue, anxiety and depression.
When the pregnancy at the age of 9 months, usually the women would wake up at midnight, when the diligent exercise of course this will be reduced, because the blood circulation becomes smooth. There was even a muscle spasm disorders, it will be reduced for those who like to exercise at least 30 minutes, 4 times a week.
Quality of food also has an influence, expectant mothers are advised to pay attention to this, limit foods that air pungent condiments such as spicy, fried and fatty acids that will interfere with digestion.

Insomnia in their early 40s

At the age of 40 years, the women usually begin to wake up in the night and it was hard to sleep again, even though since a young age used to sleep on a regular basis. The more the age of the older, your ability to sleep soundly to be disturbed, this is caused by the Up-downs in estrogen production drastically. This will lead to various problems in the body, such as excessive sweating at night, erratic moods and so on.
Due to the age factor, which decreases estrogen production will lead to fragmented sleep. Biological clock (circardian rhythms) has been changed, making it difficult to sleep soundly again.

Insomnia due to menopause

For those of you who have experienced insomnia premenopausal, you will experience insomnia during menopause. Many women complain that wake up in the night because hormone production has declined precipitously.

Many complaints are also experienced with the so-called interference of hot flashes (a blast of heat), which usually takes place in the span of between 0.25 minutes to 5 minutes. This is often experienced by women who are postmenopausal and can lead to fatigue.

Various studies show that women who exercise regularly are less likely to crash hot flashes and excessive sweating at night, this means better sleep.

Could also be helped by eating fresh fruits and vegetables. Both are also added to foods derived from soybeans, there is estrogen in the soybeans from plants that can help stabilize blood flow that trigger hot flashes.

Eating good food does not guarantee sound sleep, it can be set to sleep by consuming foods rich in calcium, magnesium, Vitamin B and L-tryptophan (a type of amino acid). These nutrients can be found in:
- Calcium: beans, carrots, papaya, avocado, brown rice
- Magnesium: Almonds, honey, sprouts, pineapple, green vegetables
- Vitamin B: Brown rice, eggs, cheese, sprouts and green vegetables
- L-tryptophan: Nuts and dairy products

Sleep soundly with herbal ingredients

  Helainthus annuus L.

Bunga matahari (Helainthus annuus L.)

Maybe we rarely hear the name Chamomile, but we'll recognize it if you see its shape. These plants include herbs that merit overcome abdominal pain, colitis, and difficulty sleeping (insomnia). By way brewed with hot water and used as a herbal tea drink, sleep function to soothe nerves

   Mimosa pudica Linn.

Putri malu (Mimosa pudica Linn.)

Provide 1 root fist Putri malu (Mimosa pudica Linn.) 4 cups of water, then boil until the first wash water to 1 cup, cold drink after bedtime

Myristica fragrans

Candied nutmeg (Myristica fragrans)

3 pieces that are sweet nutmeg, brewed with water that is boiling. Wait until warm, can be taken repeatedly to arise drowsiness.

 Leucas lavendulifolia 

Leng-lengan (Leucas lavendulifolia )

Take some plants leng-lengan and leaves, then boiled. Can be mixed with honey and drink before bed.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Pimple cures with herbs

Pimple cures


Do you acne today? Try checking the consumption of food, cosmetic cleansers and exfoliants well as used, it could be the trigger here.

The growth of acne

In recent years, the dermatologist to monitor the increase in high amounts in patients with acne in adult women (aged 30-40 years). Almost all people believe that acne is experienced in adolescence.
Acne in adolescence usually grows on the forehead, nose and cheeks. While in adulthood acne usually arises under the cheeks, chin, neck, chest and back (usually grown in males). Why is that? Because in these places the most oil glands.

As with acne in adolescence, acne in adults is caused by the imbalance of hormones. Women experience hormonal changes at certain times in his life. It could happen at the beginning of puberty, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and early menopause. And almost all women breakouts before or during menstruation.

Hormones cause acne

Hormones that cause acne in adults is, hormone testosterone, male hormones or androgens found in men and women. Progesterone (it works like testosterone) female hormone, found in some birth control pills are also a factor of acne. Acne is growing due to hormone-hormone stimulates fat glands and cause irritation.
In adults, acne is caused by several factors, which require a holistic treatment. Care outside of the skin, for example by applying anti-acne cream. Beige is usually only suppress the symptoms only, while other problems such as dehydration and dryness of the skin caused by the use of anti-acne cream to dry up acne usually. And unfortunately these products will dry the skin around the pimple, which was healthy.

Some skin problems as well as solutions

1. Tension on the skin

Stress is one of the main causes of skin damage that allows acne, and blackheads. In adults usually will occur around the jaw, chin and mouth. Referring to traditional Chinese medicine, the area associated with the gut.

Exercise makes it very important to reduce stress and can also ease the tension. Aerobic exercise (moving the large muscles) is important for detoxification, do this at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes. Or to regulate airway relaxation (meditation), this will create a relaxed and very helpful in healing.

Calcium, magnesium is good nutrition to help reduce stress. Vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E may help repair skin and treat the infection. Avoid caffeine and sugar, it can disrupt the balance of metabolism. Caffeine absorb vital nutrients from the body that it needs to fight stress.

2. Settings poor diet

That causes acne, among others, greasy, fat, nuts, and brown sugar. It is advisable to limit the amount of fat consumed can cause acne. Choose fresh water fish, tofu, grains and poultry, as well as soy-based foods for protein.
Stay away from foods that may also cause allergies for some people. Drink plenty of water, food digestion can be petrified.

3. Maldigestion

Other factors that affect the skin damage is related to teksomia intestinal tract and expenditures or dirt from the body is not good. Skin problems usually appears at the jaw line, chin, forehead and around the nose. For the treatment of acne, it is recommended to increase the intake of foods that can help work the lower colon.

4. Some of the cosmetic use of the wrong

Avoid the use of anti-acne creams that are not known for certain basic ingredients, as this can lead to blackheads, acne and can also clog pores. Before using cosmetics, should be read before any labels are contained in the package, though many cosmetics labeled "noncomedogenic". Choose materials that contain mineral oil, petrolatum, coconut oil and cocoa butter.

5. The use of improper skin cleanser

Choose a skin cleanser specifically for skin care, whose function is not only to cleanse the skin but also to remove the remaining oil, toxins, dead skin cells and bacteria. Especially for skin that is problematic, because the bacteria is easy to develop a humid place.

Avoid using scrubs made from whole grains, as this can make acne worse, and can stimulate the oil glands to produce more oil.

If you want to use exfoliants, use is made of fresh papaya enzymes, since enzymes are a gently exfoliating the skin without irritating the skin.

Steaming the face for skin to prevent acne

Steaming facial skin is an effective way to cleanse the skin. Evaporation can open pores gently and stimulate blood circulation. It can also help prevent acne, cleanse the skin of toxins.
  1. Add 1 liter of hot water into a medium-sized, if you want to add dried flowers or herbs, scatter above water. It may also use essential oils such as tea tree (contains natural anti-bacterial agent that can help get rid of the bacteria that cause acne. Add a few drops only.
  2. Sitting face and point to where to put the water concoction, so water vapor absorbed well, you should give to the head scarf (towel), relax for 10 minutes.
  3. Once everything is finished, remove impurities from the skin. To cover the pores, splash cold water on your face, then dry with a soft towel.

             Avoid steaming the skin, for those who have sensitive skin

Use of herbal ingredients to eliminate acne

Potatoes can cope with acne

Potattos can cope with acne
Wash and Peel the potatoes, then Slice thinly, potato wedges and stick to the skin was spotty. Allow a few moments until the potato slices are dried and discolored gray, then wash face with clean water.

Aloe vera can cure an acne

Aloe vera can cure an acne
Aloe vera is an effective acne medication, use a piece of meat leaf aloe vera (which is like a gel) as much as 90-120 grams. Insert a glass of water that has been boiled until cooked. Then 3x daily drink water containing meat leaf aloe vera, with gradually reducing the dose, until the acne is gone / healed.


Starfruit to treat acne

Starfruit to treat acne
Take fruit starfruit taste and mashed until smooth. Squeezes with salt to taste and use to rub the face with acne.

Turmeric as an acne cure

Turmeric    as an acne cure
Turmeric could actually cure acne, Latin name Curcuma domestica contain dyes yellow or curcumin has anti-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory properties. Curcumin also contains antiseptic and easy drying.
Turmeric can be applied to a spotty face way: mix 1 teaspoon of turmeric into a glass of milk, stir until the milk turns yellow. Drink 1x day before bed, it will boost immunity, so as to fight the bacterial infection that causes acne.
Alternatively, apply turmeric that has been mashed mixed with water (made creamy saffron). Do this 2x a day after cleansing the skin.