Saturday, December 1, 2012

Usefulness of strowberry

To the mountain Lawu reviewing strowberry

Lawu slopes
Starting on a sunny Sunday, my father took my family to visit a friend who lived on the slopes Lawu mountain, Central Java, Indonesia. He is a friend of the father during high school.

Mr Buddy the name suggests, the garden behind the house contained a very wide, variety of fruit trees were there, especially those able to survive in cold temperatures, because his house on a mountainside. For a moment my eyes struck by the fruit strowberry.

Dear readers surely familiar with this fresh fruit. It was a sweet acids are not only good to eat but also often be decorated cake and drinks. Behind the sour taste, there are many obvious benefits Mr Buddy. This red fruit that is already familiar. often found in cake or refreshments. It feels fresh acids, but if you get a strawberry with good quality fresh sweet and sour although it still remained traces of the fruit.

Plants called latin Fragaria chiloensis L. can be found in almost every country. Red color is very pretty tempting because the content of anthocyanin pigments and antioxidants are also high. So said Mr Buddy. cultivation, while picking fruit strowberry for me to taste.
In addition to antioxidants, strawberries also contain vitamin C, no less with orange. folic acid, fiber, potassium, and acid ellagic And also have high nutrient, strawberries are also useful to help lower cholesterol levels, contain anti-allergy and anti-inflammatory agent, against rheumatism and arthritis also reduces the symptoms of a stroke. Eight strawberries a day to meet the needs of our daily fiber and vitamin C needed an adult every day.

Eating strawberries regularly every day, able to smooth the skin and also prevent the aging process caused by free radicals. Ellagic acid content in strawberries may slow the activity of cancer cells.

Strawberries should be eaten in a state fresh.If  through processing usually nutrient content is reduced.

Mr Blake also said that the fruit srowberry structures have a composition similar to Valproic acid, a substance commonly used as an antidepressant prescription Depakene, Depakote and Stavzor.

Benefits of Strawberry Fruit

Strowberry garden
  • Fruit Strowberry nutritious boost brain power and keep the vision  remains clear.
  • Fruit Strowberry can be used as a natural acne remedy, because this fruit contains salicylic acid which   is  generally conceived by most acne medications on the market. How: stowberry fruit puree, mix with a little yougrth, apply on face, leave on for approximately 15 minutes.
  • Strowberry chewed every day is also useful for whitening teeth and eliminating bad breath. Another way to destroy fruit strowberry, then using a finger, stick it in gear and then leave for a minute or two. After that, scrub with a toothbrush thoroughly. To avoid the appearance of the yellow color of the teeth.
  • Strowberries contain lots of vitamin C, and vitamin C contained in strawberries is safe for the stomach.
  • Fruit strowberry also useful for smoothing skin, being able to lift dead skin cells. The trick: Soak the pieces of strawberry fruit, a mixture of milk and olive oil. Rub all over your body. If routine skin will become softer, not dull, and the heel of the foot will not be broken.
  • Fruit strowberry it also has an anti-oxidant concentrations of seven higher than other fruits or vegetables, so that the strawberry is a fruit that effectively prevents the oxidation process in the body by free radicals. The content of vitamins B1, B2, C and vitamin A in strawberries can smooth the skin and make the skin tones brighter, cleaner and can prevent occurred  wrinkles the skin.
  • Strowberry fruit also has a very good therapeutic effect for preventing leukemia, anemia (lack of blood) and blood diseases. Two kinds of substances contained in them, "strowberry amine" clan "tanae acid,, has the effect of curbing the growth and malignant tumors.
  • According to research conducted by the United State Department of Agriculture, strowberry properties will not change though is processed into juice, pie or jam. Research shows, toast spread with strawberry jam contains 50 percent more antioxidants than fresh strowberry.
  • Consume 1 cup of fresh strawberries every day can reduce the risk of many types of cancer. Among cervical cancer, breast, colon, and throat.

Strowberries and Cancer

According to the study, the number of which in the biological antioxidant strawberries highest score recorded. Where antioxidants are compounds that can protect body cells from damage by material raise to cancer. How it works antioxidants is to prevent or interrupt that can lead to the formation of cancer cells.
Both of certain substances in strowberry did have anti-cancer properties. In an attempt to extract strowberry by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the extract showed a substantial inhibition of the growth of cervical cancer cells and breast cancer cells. Some studies also show that there is acid in the strowberry ellagik can inhibit lung cancer, esophagus, breast, skin, and liver cancer caused by chemical digestion. In experiments with breast cancer cells, ellagik acid can inhibit the growth to 45 percent. Kuercetin is in strowberry can also inhibit the growth of prostate cancer and breast cancer.

That is what Mr Buddy to our family, without feeling the day was getting late, so we could not linger longer to soon say goodbye to MrBuddy. Hopefully my family experience is also useful for readers

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