Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Side effects of complementary and alternative medicine

Although herbal remains cautious in its use

Have you ever been experienced? Although the use of herbal medicine, but still be careful, I've experienced it, to treat swelling in the eye with a compress bag of tea bags. Swollen that I suffered not heal, even the eyes become red as a few days of sleep deprivation. It turns out that I used to compress the swollen eye was a tea bag containing cinnamon. As for treating swelling should be enough to use only black tea.

Other events are more severe ever happened to my friend, who consume plants or plant enhancer aphrodisiac sexual arousal. The sound of my friends suddenly become big and heavy. Worse him suffer priapism. All of this could have happened to you if carelessly in use, this can be prevented by observing the rules of usage.

Observing the rules of use of herbal medicines

Drug misuse can happen even if you think you have used medicinal plants correctly, for example: Centella sold in shop healthy as gotu kola, gotu kola energy enhancer serves as a supplement to the brain and improve concentration and memory. However, the use of large doses of gotu kola has the effect of causing a headache, decreased consciousness.

Aloe vera
Aloe vera, usually used to overcome hair loss, burns and constipation. In general dose of aloe vera usually does not cause unwanted side effects, except on the They will arise allergic itching. If used in excess for 1-2 weeks for constipation, aloe vera can cause stomach cramps.

Just went along with herbal drugs

Another major mistake is to use herbs without knowing for certain benefits. For example, the use of ginkgo biloba, a well-known ability to restore memory. Actually ginkgo is useful only if the cause of the decline of memory due to reduced blood flow to the brain. If the memory loss caused by hormone imbalances, the ginkgo is not going to help.

Tempe kedelai
Because often hear people talk about it then you went along to believe, more likely to result in the use of the wrong drug. There are also such words those plants that contain phytoestrogens (natural estrogens in plants), such as soy should be avoided by women with breast cancer and endometriosis, as they have excess estrogen. In fact, plant phytoestrogens are weaker than human estrogen and can even improve the imbalance of estrogen.

Phytoestrogens in soy actually bind to estrogen receptors in the breast and uterus, which are potentially harmful estrogen could be arrested.

False expectations about herbal remedies

Most pharmacies drug works quickly, and people have the same expectations about the use of herbal medicines. Some herbal remedies can indeed provide a fast reaction like the use of valerian for insomnia. But there are also herbal remedies that take 4-6 weeks before we feel the effect. Why so? Many pharmacy drugs work by suppressing symptoms, such as reducing the production of mucus while coughing. While herbal medicine works by helping the body's mechanisms for self healing, and it usually takes more time.

It could also be caused by the wrong name on herbs

Medicinal plants usually have two names, the popular name of a known person, with the Latin name. This popular name is the name commonly used in each area, and definitely different from the other regions. While the Latin name is a name recognized in the scientific world.

For example, Ginseng. There are many different kinds of plants that the name ginseng, Panax ginseng original name, but it in America under the name Panax ginseng Quin-quefolium, in Siberia (Eleutherococcus senticosus). Although all types of ginseng is used as a tonic to improve balance and increase endurance, but the workings of each of these different ginseng and must be consumed in doses and different time periods.

One of the herbal drug doses

What often occurs with the use of herbal medicine is one dose. People often think, if you use a little good, then by using more would be great. The use of herbal medicine overdose, can give side effects otherwise. Noni juice instance, when used in the right amount, one of the benefits of noni juice is improving indigestion. But if excessive in use, it was a cause of stomach ulcers.

Error in combining herbal medicine

Often people assume that medicine physician if in combination with herbal medicine will heal faster. For example, Ginkgo to improve blood flow to the brain. But taking ginkgo concurrently with blood-thinning drugs given to patients coronary heart doctor, can make the patient to bleed.
This does not mean you should not take herbal supplements, but you need to find out more carefully than the experts.

What is natural must be good?

In general, herbal medicines are much less side effects than its pharmaceutical drugs, or non-natural. Therefore, it should be carefully used if it is not convinced of the usefulness of these herbal medicines. If you need to consult a doctor, and better yet a doctor who knew about the use of herbal medicines.

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